The Faith in Humanity Meter

The Faith in Humanity Meter currently reads:

Sad. See "Ignorance Inc."

Monday, June 7, 2010

An Unfortunate Farewell

It's sad it had to end this way.

I dunno how I feel about this. Yeah, Helen Thomas' comments were stupid -- really stupid. But the woman's been a member of the WHPC since JFK. And, while certainly not politically safe, the views she voiced aren't utterly outrageous.

It's also important to note that she's of relatively recent Palestinian descent. I don't know if that influenced her decision, but if it did -- well, I dunno if that makes it more or less tolerable.

Anyway, it's really a shame that someone who's been at the top of the game for so long (frickin' JFK) has to go out like this. She deserves a graceful exit, and her unfortunate comments probably mean she will be denied that.

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