The Faith in Humanity Meter

The Faith in Humanity Meter currently reads:

Sad. See "Ignorance Inc."

Monday, April 26, 2010

Green Tea Party?

Thomas Friedman is right on.

The basic point is fantastic. The Tea Party claims to be non-partisan, but they are essentially Republican. More importantly, they are vehemently anti-Obama -- and by that I mean they base their policy decisions almost on entirely on opposing him.

If the Tea-party movement were really apolitical, they would be open-minded enough to support ideas that appeal to real patriotic conservatives. Energy reform is quintessentially patriotic -- we currently are dependent on other nations for oil, nations that in some cases are actively trying to destroy us. There are few issues as patriotic as new energy, because new energy means a country that is self-reliant and not addicted to the products of other countries.

What's more conservative than that?

Unfortunately, Obama and his administration are in support of alternative energy. So that means the Republicans -- and the Tea Party people -- are against it.

Friedman is right -- the Tea Party needs to live up to its claims that it is independent of party. Right now they're just the angriest Republicans.

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