This lawyer is pretty much right.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
The Only Thing I'm Going to Say about Casey Anthony
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Steven Colbert FTW
Steven Colbert wins so much.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
North Korea is seriously like either bad serious dystopian fiction or good comedic dystopian fiction. Struck by lightning?
Teaching to the Text Message
Layabouts by Locale
I'm a sucker for lists like this.
"Dark of the Moon" Gets Bad Reviews; No One is Surprised.
This Week in Duh(mb)
Newsweek's cover is, well, let's just say raising some interesting journalism ethics questions.
Well, not really. It's more just raising some interesting "who in their right mind would be dumb enough to" questions.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Unexpected LSU Mentions
Apparently this flag-burning at LSU still hasn't entirely faded from memory.
UnCollege? Uncool.
As a recent graduate, this obviously drew my eyeballs.
College taught me a lot. It may not all have been practically useful, but we know through science -- science that exists only because institutions of higher education exist -- that the type of thinking one does in college builds your brain.
The, Uh, Americans Are Coming, Uh, Or Something.
At this point it feels like a cheap shot to even mention it.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
State of the Union
So that was a good one, as far as States of the Union go.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Quote of the Day
"As God as my witness, in the commercial break just before the emotional moment, the producer got into my earpiece and he said, 'um, can you cut it down to 15 seconds so we get in this tennis result from Stuttgart?"
Republican Civil War
So Paul Ryan is giving the response to the State of the Union.
I'll be honest. I like Ryan. In a party that has not just accepted but openly embraced the label of "Party of No," in a party -- heck, a Congress -- that prefers ideological shortcuts and political sniping to making policy, Ryan stands out as one of the few that actually seems to propose hard solutions. In a political discourse mired in buzzwords and mudslinging, he speaks rationally.