The Faith in Humanity Meter

The Faith in Humanity Meter currently reads:

Sad. See "Ignorance Inc."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

She's not running for President, cont.

More evidence here and here.

People forget that, while Sarah Palin earns a lot of personal dough, she isn't nearly the fundraising juggernaut that is President Obama. It's possible the grind involved with a term in office has gotten rid of some of the zeal among his voters, but he annihilated the fundraising records in his 2008 election. Annhilated, I say.

And yeah, a lotta people watch Palin on TV. But when it comes down to voting they won't. There's far too much dirt -- like these campaign receipts -- for even a mediocre political squad to miss. There's too much evidence that she isn't the persona everybody sees, and there's far too much fodder for half a dozen mudslinging ads.

And I think she knows it, too.

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