The Faith in Humanity Meter

The Faith in Humanity Meter currently reads:

Sad. See "Ignorance Inc."

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Headline of the Day

Republican Denies Back waxing.

Apparently Crist accused Rubio of getting his back waxed. In addition to being hilarious and bizzare, it's damaging. I think. Still haven't figured that one out yet.

If I were a Florida voter, I probably wouldn't have much of a forehead left from beating it on a wall after seeing this whole kerfluffle unfold in 3-D, full color, 24-hours-a-damn-day-o-vision. If they're talking this thing to death in the national media -- well, maybe not to death, but certainly somewhere in the emergency room -- I can only imagine what hell Floridans are in.

Marco Rubio for President? Meh.

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