The Faith in Humanity Meter

The Faith in Humanity Meter currently reads:

Sad. See "Ignorance Inc."

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Tragic Tale of Headline News

As the days of summer become almost unbearable, I have actually begun watching TV news.

I actually swore off of televised news earlier this year when Headline News -- the last bastion of real news on the tube -- fell victim to the wave of idiocy that is overwhelming the medium.

Headline News used to be what news should be. It used to be a guy sitting behind a tesk, telling you what the hell happened in the world today. There were no pundits, no cult of personality, just reporting.

Now, Headline News consists of exactly that. There's Robin Meade, the perky, "sassy" anchor who repeatedly comments and ad-libs on every story. There's AJ Hammer and his lackeys who employ the same journalistic techniques and cover the same stories as the tabloids. And there's Lou Dobbs, who I can't watch without being eerily reminded of the proganda-head "Voice of Britain" from the movie V for Vendetta. Dobbs, by the way, has styled himself as "

Then there's Nancy Grace, who has truly raised the bar in terms of journalism-destroying inanity. The drawling, self-styled "Defender of Justice" relies almost entirely on her strength of personality (read: aggravatingly intense hubris that overwhelms any discussion). She routinely calls up investigating officers, repeatedly grilling the officers, investigators, and lawyers involved in the case for their supposed incompetance.

In many ways, the fall of Headline News is symptomatic of the fundamental flaw in TV journalism -- it has become entertainment, rather than journalism.

The executives that run this show are hardly at fault for this. They are businesses, and if they were to acutally maintain the highest standards of journalism, then they would fail.

So the fault is yours, America. The fault is yours for caring more for about laughs and listening to pundits rave than for getting real news. The fault is yours for following the people who tell the news rather than the news they tell.

Stop it. I want my boring -- but useful -- old guy behind the desk back.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

WTF? Responsibility?

Ok, I'm really going to start working on this thing now.

Anyway, Barack Obama is doing the unthinkable. He officially called the handling of the Daschle appointment his own fault.

He is admitting he made a mistake. Not something we're used to seeing from our politicians.

Obama's apology is like getting into a pool after relaxing in the hot tub. The water seems a lot more cold, snaps you awake a lot faster than it would had you not been broiling earlier.

In the same way, we as a country have been sitting in a political hot-tub where our politicians never -- ever -- claim responsibility for policy decisions.

We've been living in a just-passed presidency that saw a myriad of problems, none of which elicited any apologies or admissions of responsibility.

We're talking about a war that was justified largely on the existence of WMD's that were never found. We're talking about an absolutely bungled response Hurricane Katrina.

Granted, Bush himself isn't at fault for all of the problems that occurred during his presidency. But neither he nor any of the people who worked for him took responsibility for any of it.

Granted, Obama here is fessing up to making a bad decision that was mostly political, rather than a massive policy blunder.

Maybe the water's not as cold as we think it is, but after sitting in that hot-tub, it sure feels that way.